Saturday, January 19, 2008

An example of what can happen

As had been widely reported, the Library of Congress has launched a pilot program with Flickr. The pilot has placed 3100 of the Library's photo collection with the photo sharing site.

Here a report from the Library of Congress blog:

Let’s start out with a few statistics, as of last night:

• 392,000 views on the photostream
• 650,000 views of photos
• Adding in set and collection page views, there were about 1.1 million total views on our account
• All 3,100+ photos have been viewed
• 420 of the photos have comments
• 1,200 of the photos have been favorited

And just look at all of those tags!

What blew me away when I read this was that prior to this pilot, people seeing the photos in the Library would have had whatever responses they did, but there would never have been this level of interaction/participation/adding value.

As I always say, what would people say if you gave them a voice?



Dogtrax said...

Those numbers are impressive, aren't they?
I hope they keep opening the doors to the archives in this way. I am doing a project with my students soon on the Depression era and I hope we can tap into the Flickr files.

Gerald Ardito said...

I look forward to seeing what your students do. Please keep me posted.